MacAddict 117
MacAddict 117.dmg
Internet & Communication
Snak 5.1 (shareware).dmg
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Cascading Style Sheet File
82 lines
/* Default Snak chat log style
* Copyright 2005 Nicholas Shanks
* Feel free to use and modify this for personal use
/* lines starting with # refers to items by ID
* lines starting with . refers to items by class */
/* set the default font size for the whole log to small */
:root { font-size: small; }
/* prefix the server name with the words 'Connected to' */
#server::before { content: "Connected to "; }
/* the panel name is not displayed since it is in the page title
* change to inline instead of none to display it */
#panel { display: none; }
/* and prefix the date the log was opened with 'at' */
#opened::before { content: "at "; }
/* set topic change indications to look like a grey bar spanning the window */
.topic { display: block; background-color: #DDD; margin: 0.5em 0; padding: 0.25em 0.5em; }
.topic::before { content: "Topic: "; }
.topic.changed::before { content: "Topic changed to: "; }
/* set the text size in a paragraph tag <p> to 9pt Monaco for chat logs (uses Windows-style 96dpi measurements, therefore 9pt = 7pt) */
p { display: block; margin: 0 1em; font-family: "Monaco", "Geneva", sans-serif; font-size: 7pt; }
/* when two consecutive <p> tags are encountered, put a grey top border on the second (line dividers) */
p+p { border-top: 1px solid #EEE; }
/* uncomment this line to set the divider line to a dashed style instead of solid */
/* p+p {border-top-style: dashed; } */
/* set colour for your own messages */
.own { color: purple; }
/* set colour for any private messages received */
.private { color: red; }
/* set colour for server and error messages */
.server, .error { color: blue; }
/* set colour for notices and informational messages */
.notice, .info { color: gray; }
/* set colour for DCC notifications */
.dcc { color: orange; }
/* the timestamp, to hide it, use 'display:none' */
/* add float: left to the time class to make it go left, and a 1ex margin to the right to provide a space: */
/*.time { display: none; } */
.time { float:left; margin-right: 1ex; }
.time::before { content: '['; }
.time::after { content: ']'; }
/* these two work together to cause the chat to be indented and the user nicks to be to the left of the chat
* you can change the value of the left padding, but if you do make sure you also change the action padding below */
.author { float: left; }
.contents { display: block; padding-left: 17em; }
/* uncomment the following line to stop messages wrapping and preserve white space (tabs, returns etc) in log messages */
/* .contents { white-space: pre; } */
/* postfix a colon after user nicks */
.author::after { content: ":"; }
/* prefix an asterisk before action messages */
.action .author::before { content: "*"; }
/* clear the previously set colon after nicks if the message was an action */
.action .author::after { content: ""; }
/* indent action messages to the same level as regular messages (see contents margin above) */
.action { padding-left: 8em; }
/* un-float the nicks and remove the margin on action messages */
.action .author { float: none; }
.action .contents { display: inline; padding-left: 0; }